a hat with a high crown and a narrow brim 意味
- 山が高くて縁の狭い帽子.
- hat hat n. 帽子. 【動詞+】 Emily was carefully adjusting her hat before a mirror.
- high 1high n. 天; 高所; 高水準, 高額の数字; 《米》 (自動車の)最高速ギヤ. 【動詞+】 achieve a new high
- crown 1crown n. 王冠; 帝位, 王位; 栄冠; 頭, 頂上; 絶頂. 【動詞+】 A crown was awarded to the
- narrow 1narrow adj. 狭い. 【副詞】 Their views about religion are extremely narrow.
- brim 1brim n. 縁(ふち). 【動詞+】 He pulled down the brim of his hat to shade his
- brim of a hat 帽子{ぼうし}のつば
- crown of a hat 帽子{ぼうし}の山
- felt hat with a floppy brim 縁のフワフワしたフェルト帽
- hat with a brim that slouches 縁の垂れ下がっている帽子
- hat with a wide brim つばの広い帽子{ぼうし}
- creased crown of a soft hat 中折れの山
- narrow brimmed hat
- narrow-brimmed hat つばの狭い帽子{ぼうし}
- high hat {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {自動} : ---------
- high-hat {名-1} : 《楽器》ハイハット◆ドラムセットの -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 気取る人、気取り屋{きどりや}、威張る人、俗物{ぞくぶつ} ----------------------------------------------------